Saturday, September 29, 2007

time is running out,how?

4 and counting.

darn im damn shag ;

Thursday, September 27, 2007

before its too late

when you dont have a choice, you gotta just stick with it

when you have a choice, you take forever to decide.

thats how im feeling now.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

1973; when i was sober

elearn today, i woke up at 855am and school started
at 9am, i logged in late and didnt know what lesson
to attend. The whole class was chatting on msn ,
as much as we dislike studying i'm starting to
feel the drive that is developing within the class.
These mates are my mates, only they know how it feels
when you've tried and well, failed. We chatted like
the good old' days, they must have gone to bugis today
sorry i couldnt join you guys, had training. Remember
tmro same time,

Had a good training session today, did some sail testing
and the learning curve seems really positive, there's only
one guy who i truly look up to. And his not going sea games,
i dont even know how he does his holy shit. Motivated at all
times feather like agility,Scofield like intelligence.
It could take me years to get there but wtf i aint giving up,

Training program ;
5 cardio sessions a week, 30 mins at least for each
3 weights session, low intensity around 25-35 reps
3 physio sessions a week
4 going on to 5 sessions of sailing a week
1 psycho session a week.

master of your fate.

I did a average of 172 bpm for a 27 mins cycle to nsc
just on the verge of touching lactic, glad i pulled out
of it. Guess its another one tomorrow. 8.5 weeks more to
sea games,

if you cant control, convince
perfect ten, 98.7 fm

Sunday, September 23, 2007

woohoo! shiokness in that . finally

today was awesome, swimming 1km was darn tiring.
but completing it was satisfying ,
its been 7 years since i took that plunge.
feels good doesn't it?.

dinner was funny :

Saturday, September 22, 2007

miserable at best . xx roxy

And this will be the first time in a week
That I'll talk to you
And I can't speak
It's been three whole days since I've had sleep
Because I dream of his lips on your cheek
And I got the point that I should leave you alone
But we both know that I'm not that strong
And I miss the lips that made me fly

So let's not pretend like you're alone tonight
(I know he's there)
You're probably hanging out and making eyes
(while across the room, he stares)
I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor
And ask my girl to dance, and she'll say yes

Because these words were never easier for me to say
Or her to second guess
But I guess
That I can live without you but
Without you I'll be miserable
And I can live without you
But without you I'll be miserable
And I can live without you
Oh, without you I'll be miserable at best

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

lets not talk about problems and troubles

80% of you dont care

20% laugh about it.

upping the cardio program.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

the high pressure is coming up.

15 knots

17 knot gust

big waves

strong current.

shiokness in that ;)
new stuff, took me ages.

life is ______
dead boring that is.

been upping the cardio program,
sleepy head i am.

oh did i mention i had a stressful week in school?
i studied ;(. and got what i wanted/needed.

1.5 months left, lets floor it once more.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

strained tendon,

nth's gonna stop the going.

to-do list.

1. imagery.
2. stay positive.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

study study.

930- 130am.

P.E and chem.

girl. dont. slack. its wednesday. now.

goodluck maxi!.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

another quick one.


today was great!thanks everyone you guys are
really sweet and i cant thank you enough.

denise for the shirt

auntie shirley for the bubbletea pearls x2.

siobhan for the cake( its been 8 years! )

auntie for the 8 different cheesecakes.

the night ended off well.super.

cycling 40km today, i cant imagine.

it hurts alot , you didnt even bother right?.
u didnt even wish me, last year too.
all you know is just sitting on the damn
sofa watching tv from the 42inch LCD that
i bought for the family. you know what? screw it,
you dont have to fetch me to nsc anymore,
i'll walk there if i have to. we've given up on you.
when i grow up, i WON't be like you.

its never good to post this kinda things on the net
but i gotta let it out, guys pls dont talk about it
even if you know what it is. thnks. let me enjoy the
last 12 mins of my special day. not that special anymore.

bf; im listening to walking on the milky way.
all the best for your project tmro!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

a quick one

just three wishes will do, i need tons more
but i cant be greedy.

1. Get the bloody AUT scholarship.

2. Win sea games

3. for her to ace her O's.

Friday, September 07, 2007

life. is changing

food was really good, flaming lambo was the most
hardcore thing i've tried. the company was awesome.
thanks once again, murphy!. cheers.

i had to go offline, if i carried on talking to you.
..... ..... ...........

Life is changing, luck is there. in my favour
I'm all excited now thinking about the next 6-8 years.
study hard sherm, floor em' now.

sheeppie, today was great especially swensens
enjoy life alright?
join the party

Thursday, September 06, 2007

yesterday i had a decision to make, not a tough one.
i finished physio treatment around 5pm, i had an hour
to spare so i was deciding whether to study for physics
or to do core. i chose the latter but you get the idea?.

its a win-win situation, i study for physics i'll be better
at it. if core then i'll be stronger and fitter.

if only life was like that.Bang left or right corner still can
win. Math was good today, the company i mean ;

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

wind guru , working his magic once more.

i'm tired,

i wont give up.

Monday, September 03, 2007

good days ahead, more pictures coming up.

im flamming within, hot as usual.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

ive finally experienced a good day, yea it has kinda
like been a drought season since coming back from
junior europeans. Plain boring and surely full of
negative unpredictables which i dont want to talk
about it. Sailing today was some fun shit man,
420 with paul,siobhan,paul's cousin. And tacking
duel in opti with gris which never quite happened
cause i was flooding the boat. I'm gonna upload
pictures up now, some of them were taken while
i was on trapeze, cool right? only sherm does it.
credits go to sherm and olympus camera, 7.2 megapixel.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

it was suppose to be a happy post till 11pm.

wtf sherm